Friday, May 25, 2012

Oops... forgot one. More cut and paste

So after writing my first "note" I've really just been itching to keep writing... and at first I was trying to hold off, and space them out and then I wondered why... since I write them for me anyway and I have the urge to write... I'm going to write.

I've really been intrigued by my previous blog posts, and I've read through them again a few times, and for whatever reason the words speak to me.  I guess in a toned down sort of way I feel like I'm on a similar journey sometimes.  Not the turmoil and lost feeling I had before, but more of a new reinvention of myself.  My life has been pretty consistent for the past five years, so on the outset it appears to have nothing in common with the constant changes in my life of the past.  But... that's not entirely true.  These days I'm comfortable in my marriage; I'm the mom to all the kids I will ever have (presumably) and I'm settled into a job that I love.  Somehow all of these NON changes have ignited a little fire in my to further define who I am... as a mom, a wife, a nurse... and ultimately as me.  Although, I've never really felt like I lost myself again, I have felt as though all the positive changes that occurred had a similar effect on the view I had of myself... it lost definition and the edges became blurred to me.  Why now?  I don't know, but seems now I'm ready to redfine how "I" fit into all of my roles.

So what little passages were speaking to me?  well, here's a little sampling of a few... and even though they emerged from a darker place in my life, and from several different places for that matter, they still have meaning and depth and insight that I think is leading me down a path of further definition of myself.

Here's to living life one day at time, doing your best to make the best out of it, and even if you really don't know what you WANT, at least be clear on what you don't want and all the rest will fall into place.

The people that are all around who like me, and most importantly love me just because I am me.  They help me pull that lost, yet true, identity back to the surface.

I have come to realize that "home" is where your soul is at peace.  Although there will always be inner turmoil, environmental stress and truly bad days, there is something to be said about being at ease with yourself and the unwavering support of your "family" when you find your niche in the world.

My prayer today is that everyone I care about finds their "home" and that I don't lose faith that I have truly found mine and all the implications that come with it.

Realizing that I am truly an extroverted person I know now that much of my current happiness can be attributed to the fact that I have afforded myself so many more opportunities to recharge my energy since changing my environment.  Its hard to be happy when your listless with no energy and for the extroverts of the world... its truly hard to have energy when you never leave your house and your person to person interactions are limited.  Spending time outside of my house, outside of myself and interacting with so many interesting people has boosted my energy so that I now have the energy to be an interactive mom, and to (in a nutshell) spend so much less time on the computer, watching TV, being beige.... 

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